The code for your layout has been generated. The next step is to copy and paste this code into your Weebly
website. Please see the instructions below.
STEP 1: Copy all the code on the left
Double click inside the code on the left to select it all, and press CTRL + C (Or Command + C on Mac)
to copy the code to your clipboard.
STEP 2: Go to the Weebly HTML/CSS Editor
Open up your Weebly website builder.
Click on Theme.
Click on the Edit HTML/CSS button in the lower lefthand corner.
You should be taken to the code editor.
STEP 3: Create a new header type
In the left hand column, you'll see a section called Header Type.
Click on the small + ("plus") sign next to it.
In the dropdown, click on New Header Type.
Name it whatever you want, this is what your layout will be called.
STEP 4: Paste your code
After you name your new header type, make sure its selected.
In the code editor on the right, there will be a few lines of auto generated code. Delete all of it.
Then, once the code editor for your header type is empty, Paste the code you previously copied in there.
Press CTRL + V if you're on Windows, or COMMAND + V if you're on Mac to
paste all the code. Finally, SAVE your changes by clicking on the blue save button in the upper right of the editor.
Some text in the Modal..
You added a PureSlider Header. How Many Slides Would You Like in the Slideshow?
You added a Carousel block. How Many Slides Would You Like in the Carousel? Don't worry, you can always add or remove Carousel slides without losing your existing Carousel content.
Import Layout
Please enter your layout code below:
Equinox Page Builder
popup 3x fixed
popup 2x fixed
popup 4x fixed
popup 2x dragdrop
popup 3x dragdrop
popup 4x dragdrop
text left image right fixed
image left text right fixed
text left image right drag drop
image left text right drag drop
call to action fixed
image text and testimonial fixed
image text and testimonial drag drop
testimonials 3x
testimonials 2x
testimonials 4x
testimonials 5x
stacked text header fixed
metrics 4x
metrics 6x
metrics 5x
metrics 2x
metrics 3x
alternating grid
icon boxes 5x
icon boxes v2 2x
icon boxes v2 3x
icon boxes v2 4x
icon boxes v2 5x
icon boxes v2 6x
icon boxes v2 7x
icon boxes v2 8x
icon boxes v2 9x
image boxes 3x
image boxes 2x
image boxes 4x
image boxes 5x
image boxes 6x
drag drop area with sidebar
service boxes 2x
service boxes 3x
service boxes 4x
service boxes 5x
service boxes 6x
service boxes 7x
service boxes 8x
projects 2x
projects 3x
projects 4x
projects 5x
projects 6x
projects 7x
projects 8x
projects 9x
projects 10x
projects page heading
projects page content
Navigation Bar
Your standard Weebly navigation bar. It is automatically added to your layout, but you can remove it.
PureSlider (fixed height)
A gorgeous slider with the ability to have background images and elements superimposed on top of the background image.
Carousel Free (Empty Carousel Items)
Drag 'n drop carousel where you can drag and drop any Weebly element into each carousel item.
Carousel Fixed Content
Carousel with pre-placed image, text, and paragraph elements for each carousel item. If you would like a drag 'n drop carousel please use the Carousel Free element.
Default Weebly Header
Default Weebly Header. Supports image, video, and color backgrounds.
Weebly Sections Drag 'n Drop Area
A Drag 'N Drop area where you can add both Weebly elements and Weebly Sections. Weebly only permits one of these sections per page.
ScrolliPage Anchor
Put this block in the area where you want to have a ScrolliPage Vertical Navigation link scroll to.
Weebly Drag 'n Drop Area (Elements Only)
A Weebly Drag 'N Drop area where you can drag and drop Weebly elements (not Section blocks, for that you'll need the Weebly Sections Drag 'n Drop Area)
TrueDepth 3D Parallax Section
A dynamic parallax section with background images. You can add content into this section via drag 'n drop in the Weebly editor.
Blog Reference Section
A section that shows your four latest blog posts.
The footer will be automatically generated and added to your page.